Emma Subtil who works in the office here at NZM has grown up on farm at Omarama Station. Here she shares with us how Christmas can look a little different to most kiwis when on farm!
The lead up to Christmas at Omarama Station is usually very busy, as it is for most people, so the in-between periods where things quieten down a little are a warmly welcomed reset.
There is always someone on farm as between the team there are at least 15 dogs, 2 pigs, 4 horses, 1 cat, as well as the sheep and cattle.
Of course taking care of the farm animals, stock checks and little odd jobs are a part of the daily routine along with keeping up with the irrigation. This time of year gets hot at Omarama Station and we have to keep the grass growing!
But for the most part there is a little more room for play, often ending up at the hut where the family have their Christmas Eve gatherings.

When Christmas Day hits we are always “surprised” by the wonderful gift from Santa… our Omarama Station Calendar! This year will be the 21st year running that every family member (and polite family friend who doesn’t want to offend us), receives the same familiar shaped present full of photos of the farm through the seasons and different family milestones.
The delights for the holiday season on Omarama Station include Emma’s Grandad and Mums pride and joy – homegrown summer berries with a dollop of cream and icing sugar, lots of evening BBQs and Christmas drinks with the team. Best of all is going for refreshing swims in the alpine streams or heading to the lake for some boating if its not too windy!
Emma’s father however also makes use of the extra hands around - finding "fun" jobs or family "bonding" activities including grubbing thistles and rock picking!
There is also time to relax, which often includes watching cricket on Boxing Day to nurse the Christmas food coma.

To learn more about Omarama Station click here! Or to get in early on some Boxing Day sales... check out some of the ZQ brand partners that Omarama Station supplies wool too below and see what's on offer!